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Sustainable legacy

As a cooperative parent company, ULMA Construcción was founded and developed with the aim of creating a project that would last over time, building a sustainable legacy that generates value for our stakeholders. Our roots are linked to sustainability: right from the outset, our business model has been based on the principles of the circular economy, with a commitment to extending the life span of our products, guaranteeing the highest quality standards while minimising the consumption of raw materials and the generation of waste.

Our Sustainability Framework Policy reflects this commitment. It defines the principles we must follow as an institution to ensure that we contribute to the sustainable transformation of the business environment in the places where we operate.

Our Sustainability Strategy sets out the main lines of action and objectives we have established to continue advancing in the three areas of sustainability: environmental, social and governance.

+ 95 %

Of waste valorised

(produced during manufacturing and in the main adjustment device warehouse)

+ 98 %

Reuse rate of rented products

2.8 %

R&D&I Expenditure / Turnover

266,787 kwh

Generated at our facilities with our photovoltaic system

65.2 %

Of factory raw materials provided by suppliers less than 150 km away

18.8 %

Women in leadership positions



10 %

Of the parent company’s gross results earmarked for the cooperative education and promotion fund

Data for the year 2023

Environmental sustainability

1 - Sustainable product strategy: circular

A. Sustainable design: we design our products and processes to be sustainable from the outset, and are ISO 14001 certified for environmental management.

B. Sustainability throughout the life cycle: we strive to ensure that our products are sustainable throughout their entire life cycle. We achieve this by analysing the life cycle of our products and we work and innovate to extend their life span, to make them lighter, to reuse them and to make them recyclable.

  • Robust and long-lasting solutions: we extend the life span of our products and increase the intensity of their use through logistics, cleaning, repair and remanufacturing processes.
  • "Zero Waste": we work to reduce the waste generated in our facilities as much as possible. We strive to ensure that we recover at least 90% of the waste generated in the factory and in our main regulatory warehouse through the "Zero Waste" certification.

C. Sustainability in our supply chain:

  • Most of our suppliers are local.
  • Sustainable Wood: we have chain of custody certificates for wood-based panels and beams: FSC and PEFC.
  • We are compliant with the Border Carbon Adjustment Mechanism, and report our implicit GHG emissions samples.

D. Contributing to making our customers more sustainable: through our solutions we adapt to our customers' environmental sustainability needs, helping them to meet various requirements in this area:

  • We have included ULMA's solutions in the Green Building Council's Construction Materials Platform, thereby helping our customers to obtain Sustainable Building Certifications, such as BREEAM and LEED for their projects.
  • We seek to optimise the resources of our customers' projects through BIM (Building Information Modelling).
  • We contribute to meeting Green Public Procurement and other legal requirements.

2 - Decarbonisation strategy: we are committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050

A. Carbon footprint calculation: we need to know where we are starting from in order to effectively contribute to reaching climate goals.

We have therefore calculated the Scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon footprint for all our facilities located in Spain and Scope 1 and 2 for the rest of the world. We have certified the calculation of our carbon footprint in Spain in accordance with the ISO 14064-3 standard and we are in the process of calculating the Scope 3 emissions in the rest of the countries.

B. Emission reduction projects: we seek to reduce the emissions derived from our activity through different projects and actions, which include:

  • the replacement of lighting systems with LEDs, reducing electricity consumption
  • the substitution of combustion processes for electricity
  • the installation of photovoltaic systems, contributing to the generation of renewable energy
  • the installation of systems to harness waste energy from industrial processes
  • the substitution of combustion vehicles for electric or hybrid vehicles
  • the purchase of energy from renewable sources

Social sustainability

A. Developing talent: we are working to reinforce our socio-business project, with the aim of generating attractive working environments that foster development and talent. This is reflected in an annual training plan adapted to the needs of each person and a commitment to developing internal talent.

B. Work-life balance: we have implemented flexible working arrangements and social benefits for a better work-life balance.

C. Safe and healthy working environmentsWe ensure the health and safety of all the people who make up the ULMA Construcción team by identifying potential risks and implementing the strictest occupational risk prevention processes. We are ISO 45001 certified. 

D. Diverse and inclusive team: we encourage diversity in our team, ensuring equal treatment and opportunities for all people through our plans and policies.

E. Customers: we are always on hand to ensure safe and quality solutions. We are ISO 9001 certified.

F. Social transformation of the environment: we contribute to local development through our Cooperative Education and Promotion Fund and the ULMA Group Foundation.

G. Partnerships: we are part of global initiatives to promote corporate sustainability, such as the United Nations Global Compact.

Sustainable governance

A. Transparency and accountability: we are working to comply with the new European Sustainability Reporting Standards to continue our commitment to transparency.

B. Behaviour in accordance with the highest ethical standards:

  • Compliance system: we have a compliance system in place to ensure legal compliance through the regular identification of risks.
  • Code of ethics: our code of ethics governs the behaviour of everyone at ULMA Construcción, ensuring that it is governed by the highest standards of business ethics.
  • Whistleblowing Channel: we have a Whistleblowing Channel, providing all the guarantees to safeguard the whistleblower.

C. Sustainability throughout the supply chainwe work to communicate and ensure our sustainability principles and best practices in our supply chain. We have a Code of Ethics and Conduct for suppliers. 

Pacto Mundial
Huella carbono
Residuo Cero
ISO 14001
ISO 9001
ISO 45001