Great Performance in Great Projects
ULMA participates in what is considered to be the largest infrastructure plan in recent times in Recife, Brazil. The Via Mangue motorway is a collaborative project between the Municipal Prefecture of the City of Recife and the Federal Government within the works on mobility for the Football World Cup 2014. The plan includes the construction of roads, sanitation, residential areas, etc. with an investment of R$ 433.2 million (about € 137 million).
HWS and ATR - Partners at great heights
High-rise projects require an industry leader to come up with excellent product solutions and shortest possible execution deadlines. ULMA has been working for years in this sector offering staff expertise in the development, application and advice to customers at an international level. This know-how rounded off with a comprehensive, customised and continuous service from the beginning up to the end of each project ensures the success of this type of projects. Customers relying on ULMA made it possible to implement projects, such as the Hudson Yards in NYC and Bay Adelaide East Tower in Toronto.
Building Modernity in India
ULMA's presence in the Asian market is a reality for years. The opening of the subsidiary in India in 2010 was a further step towards offering a comprehensive service and a close relationship with the customer in that region. ULMA positions itself in the Asian market with high-rise building projects. The Prestige Trade Tower in Bangalore and the World One King Tower in Mumbai are examples of projects currently undertaken by ULMA in this country.