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ULMA joins the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Feb 11, 2025
At ULMA we join the annual celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015, which aims to raise awareness of the importance of the participation of women and girls in science, detecting and eliminating the structural and social barriers that limit their access to education, training and employment in the fields of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM).

By joining the UN Global Compact in March last year, we are part of the network of companies committed to complying with the resolution approved by the General Assembly in 2015 under the title ‘Transforming our world: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’ which, among other purposes within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), includes the need to promote gender equality and quality education.

This path on which we are working towards equality requires commitment and daily work that ULMA articulates through sustainability plans and policies to promote the consolidation of a plural and inclusive working team.

Through their testimonials, Nerea Conde Cadavid, Izaskun Arriola Gutierrez, and Garazi Agirrezabal Iturbe share their experiences in this field, as well as their career paths and professional development at ULMA.

Nerea Conde Cadavid, Gestora de Software de Aplicaciones Técnicas y BIM Manager Corporativo

Technical Applications Software Manager and Corporate BIM Manager

“The presence of women in STEAM fields seems to me fundamental to promote diversity and inclusion, to solve problems from different perspectives and to inspire future generations. For me at ULMA, I have had unique opportunities to learn and make my contribution."

“I have been working at ULMA Construction since 2018, I started in Production Planning and worked in this job for three years. For another three years I worked on the design of a computer application that helps us with internal logistics and order forecasting and tracking, and now I am a Maintenance Manager. Although historically there have been few women in this type of position, I am the second woman in this job at ULMA. I would encourage all women to take advantage of these kinds of opportunities and not at all to take them as a barrier”.

Izaskun Arriola Gutierrez, Gestora de Ingeniería de Fabricación y Mantenimiento

Maintenance and Manufacturing Engineering Manager

Garazi Agirrezabal Iturbe, Delineante Proyectista

Drafting Design Technician

“People may think that there are only a few of us women in science and technology. It is true that the presence of men is more evident, but the number of women has been increasing in recent years and when I started working at ULMA,
there were quite a few girls.

Because of the situation we live in society, it would be very good if young girls interested in these areas of work had female role models”.