Mexico – Toluca Intercity Train, Mexico
The versatility of our formwork structures provided a solution both profitable for our client and efficient for the construction of the octagonal piers required.
Estaiada Bridge, Metro Line 4, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Never before has a self-climbing system been used to build inclined pylons for a cable-stayed bridge in Latin America.
Via Mangue Motorway, Recife, Brazil
To construct this bridge we chose MK trusses, which adapted easily to the varied span lengths required.
Bridge over Stradomka River, Bochnia, Poland
In order to build this bridge we employed shoring systems of different heights, thus achieving high levels of efficiency throughout the entire construction process.
High Speed Rail Network, Spain
In the face of both precipitous terrain and strict requirements for railway construction, we relied on the flexibility and versatility of our formwork systems to meet the challenges presented.
Junction at the intersection of Bokeikhanov and North Circle Streets, Almaty, Kazakhstan
The 427.5 m long flyover, located on the boarder of Alatau and Zhetysu districts, will contribute to greatly streamlining traffic on the intersection with the capacity of 170 thou cars per day.
Flyover at exit no. 9 over Ryskulov Street, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Construction of a 304.2 m long flyover at exit no. 9 over Ryskulov Street is one of 20 projects planned under the Almaty transport link network improvement programme for 2012-2018.
Bridge over the Wisłok River, Rzeszów, Poland
The unique element of the project is a reinforced-concrete pylon measuring 108.5 meters in height.
Bridge over the Rudavoi River, Belluno, Italy
This variable section bridge, located to the north of Italy, has three spans and was poured in situ.
Plati Viaduct, Calabria, Italy
The Plati Viaduct steel-concrete composite bridge is part of the Bovolino - Bagnara motorway in Calabria, southern region of Italy. This project consists of two 320 m and 400 m long viaducts.
The Bay of Cadiz Bridge, Spain
The Bay of Cadiz Bridge, with its 3,082 m long deck is going to be the longest bridge of Spain and one of the longest worldwide.