Bridge Deck Formwork ENKOFORM HMK
Extremely versatile beam formwork for different horizontal concrete structures. Excellent fit to the shape of sections.

Heavy Duty Truss System MK
Versatile truss system for the construction of large concrete spans between supports. Mainly oriented towards non-residential and civil engineering constructions. It features great flexibility and numerous configuration possibilities.

Heavy Duty Truss System H-33
Modular truss system for large span concrete constructions. Highlights: minimum number of ground shorings, easy erection and handling. Mainly oriented towards civil engineering.

Composite Bridge Formwork Carriage MK
Cantilever formwork for steel composite bridges and partially pre-cast concrete bridges. Highlights: configurable for each project. Allows quick work cycles.

Parapet Formwork Carriage MK
Cantilever system mainly focused towards the construction of protection parapets on bridges. Highlights: lightweight solution. Allows quick work cycles.

Balanced Cantilever Formwork Carriage CVS
Most suitable for long span concrete bridges, when pier height is considerable, or for bridge-deck constructions where the ground shoring is complex. Very flexible high performance system.

Heavy Duty Bracket MK
Cantilever high load bearing shoring oriented towards pier cap or pier head construction. Highlights: adjustable to any dimension.

MK Formwork Carriage for Cut-and-cover Tunnels
Cost-effective formwork carriage, available for rent. Manual or hydraulic advance and quick work cycles.

MK Formwork Carriage for Mine Tunnels
Completely configurable form carrier, most suitable for tunnels up to 1km long. Extremely cost-effective system. Available for rent.

Wall Formwork Carriage MK
Movable system for the construction of very long single or double-sided concrete walls. Easy formwork erection and stripping.